General Oratory and Literary Society


GOALS: General Oratory and Literary Society

GOALS brings together literature and the art of oration, combing knowledge with flair. GOALS endeavours not only to arm its members with the communication skills necessary in today's environment and broaden their horizons but also to help them develop more wholesome personalities and grow as people.
"Oratory...a skill that can turn a commoner into a king" - Winston Churchill

Prarabdh Shukla
Vishesh Thakur

Core Members
Dhruv Deshmukh
Piyush Pancholi


MUN: Model United Nations

As GOALS works for nurturing the speaking and writing skills of its members, for developing critical thinking and leadership abilities it organises MUN. As an extracurricular activity this made the students to learn about international relations, diplomacy and the United Nations. This was meant to engage the participating teams in developing deeper understanding of the current world issues.